Look at What You've Got

Prerelease note
To be released on November 3, 2023.
(Actually released to streaming platforms on October 30 to allow time for uploading of lyrics.)
This is a single from an upcoming release, Distant December, which will be released on December 1, 2023.
Words from Jesse
This track was built up similarly to the last one, No Lights Shine Out to Me; I got it started at home with a basic rhythm of programmed drums and an arpeggiating guitar. When Misael and I went to Orbis Studio to record the drums for No Lights Shine Out to Me, we brought this one along with us as well; we recorded the drums and any percussion for both songs that same day. In terms of engineering, we didn't change a thing between the songs—just the energy. We recorded No Lights Shine Out to Me first and then relaxed a bit to record Look at What You've Got.
Like the last song, I sent this one to Alexander (Sasha) Raichenok and he came back with some Hammond B3 that I was stoked to hear. You're hearing it just as he played it, minus one chord coming out of part C that was miscommunicated; I corrected that in the MIDI. Yes, MIDI; Sasha doesn't have a B3 nor a Leslie, so I ran his Nord MIDI through some cool plugins and voila! Murilo wasn't available this time to add his bass guitar, so I added some organ bass myself. I hope that all doesn't sound too boring? I'm in Guarulhos Airport (São Paulo) waiting for my flight to Toronto; I'm trying to write something interesting here over the constant spitty, monotonous bursts of intercom babble. Turns out they're actually calling my name and I gotta hurry now to get a new boarding pass.
This is a wintery song; I was thinking of the holidays. I was imagining someone feeling alone; are any of us really alone? I know we might think or feel that. It's quite a phenomenon, as there are usually so many people around us in our lives.
I hope you enjoy Look at What You've Got. Please share it if you think it might touch someone; you can also drop me a line if it resonates with you 😉.
Track listing
- Look at What You've Got (4:31)
T3209953215 - © Jesse Rivest 2023 (SOCAN/BMI, CMRRA)
CA-6P8-23-00003 - © Jesse Rivest 2023 (PPL)
This recording: catalog number JRIVEST16, © Jesse Rivest 2023, All Rights Reserved
UPC/EAN: 0198009369515
Released: November 3, 2023
Produced, recorded, mixed, and mastered by Jesse Rivest at his Little Bakery Studio in Brasilia, DF, Brazil.
Drums recorded by Marcos Pagani at Orbis Studio in Brasilia, DF, Brazil.
Song written and performed by Jesse Rivest.
Drums and percussion performed by Misael Barros.
Hammond B3 performed by Alexander Raichenok.
Organ bass performed by Jesse Rivest.
Electric guitar performed by Jesse Rivest.
Backing vocals performed by Jesse Rivest.
Album cover artwork by Paula Calderón (www.paulacalderon.com.br, @paulacalderon.arte, 2023).
Album cover layout by Jesse Rivest.
Special Thanks
Thanks to Jane Lino for being supportive, always.
Thanks to Misael and Alexander for their performances!
Thanks to Tico de Moraes for his ears and feedback.
Back cover
Please see Distant December for its back cover; I decided not to design a back cover for this single.
Look at What You've Got
© Jesse James Rivest, 2023
Oh, here come old memories
Oh, how they shimmer bright as stars
How I love all them for what they were
Even wish I could stop and return
Oh, they take me back, those old songs
But I know that's not where I belong
Oh, here come the holidays
Still don't have any plans, just time free
How I long just to go far away
Fly to some warmer place and free fall
Oh, they take me back, those strung lights
And the songs we'd sing those cold nights
Take in who you've got around you now
Look at where you're at and don't look down
Find someone who needs a friendly smile
And share with them all that you've got
Snow is falling, a soft blanket accrues
Through the windows kids are staring at you
How you're dancing and entrancing
You're the last thing they'll see
As they fall asleep
Look at what you've got around you now
Enjoy where you're at and don't look down
Find someone who needs a friendly smile
And share with them all that you've got